How to Increase Libido in Men Naturally?

There are several ways to increase libido in men naturally we will share in this health article. Before you know more about how to increase libido in men naturally, it’s good you know in advance why the level of libido in a man can be decreased.
The level of libido in humans is determined mainly by levels of testosterone in the body. Various things can cause decreased libido in humans. Common causes include the existence of health problems such as diabetes mellitus, a disorder of sex organs, until the existence of psychic stress. In addition to increasing libido with supplements, there are several ways to increase libidoin men naturally you can do.
Exercise to Increase Libido
Aerobic exercise performed 15-30 minutes each day on a regular basis is proven to increase libido in men naturally. What positive results will you get when doing aerobic exercise regularly?
  1. Streamlining the flow of blood to every organs of body, include genital organ.
  2. According to a research, after exercise a human body will produce more endorphins (a type of peptide that works on the brain). With higher levels of endorphins, a human mood will be better.
  3. A few hours after aerobic exercise, found elevated levels of testosterone (a hormone of reproduction). A man with higher testosterone levels will feel more confident and feel sexier.
  4. Aerobic exercise increases a heart’s ability and flexibility of the muscles of body.
In addition to increasing libido, a man who was doing aerobics on a regular basis have a lower risk of 30% experienced impotence, and even after 50-year-old their erection will better than who don’t aerobic exercise.
Not recommended to do strenuous exercise like lifting weights because it will make the body very tired so it will decrease libido level. Other bad effect, some hours after strenuous exercise will decrease testosterone levels.
Foods to Increase Libido for Men
Consumption of certain foods able increase libido in men naturally. According to Journal of American Medical Association, high-calorie foods that contain lots of fat is proven to decrease libido. As said at the beginning of this health article, the libido in humans is determined by testosterone. Formation of testosterone mainly influenced by the levels of zinc and B vitamins. Eating foods that are high in zinc and high in B vitamins that can help increase testosterone levels, and in the end can increase libido in men naturally.
The positive effects of massage that increases blood flow, relaxation and decrease stress levels. This activity can increase libido in men naturally.
Thrilling adventure activities 
A thrilling adventure activity that can cause the body to produce endorphins, the combination of stress and hormones that resemble conditions found during high arousal.


Meditation in the long term can contribute to release of endorphins. In addition to reducing stress and clear the mind, meditation can increase blood flow, reduce muscle tension and trigger a flow of internal energy.
Some ways that we explained at above can be done not only to increase libido in men naturally, but also can be done by women.

1 Response to "How to Increase Libido in Men Naturally?"

  1. My husband has suffered from low sexual desire last year. Our doctor gave us libido male enhancer ,it's so surprising that my husband gets his activeness again. Thanks to that libido pill.
