A few reasons why you might have phlegm cough

You may discover that diagnosing the cause of phlegm cough is almost impossible. This is why you need to go to a doctor. After you know what the cause is, you are able to then work with your doctor to determine which therapy technique will work very best. There are not many issues worse than having phlegm cough. Sure, this is a minor problem, for probably the most part, however it can be extremely annoying. On top of this, you will never really know what the cause is until you seek a professional assist.
Here are a few reasons why you might have phlegm cough:
1. Typical cold. In most cases, this is caused by nothing much more than a common cold. Many people experience more phlegm cough buildup than others when they get a cold.
2. Strep throat. As you can imagine, this can result in a lot excess of phlegm cough. In most cases, until you treat your sore throat you are not going to have the ability to get rif of the phlegm that is building up and coming out when you cough.
3. Bronchitis. In terms of excess phlegm cough production, this is extremely comparable to what you will encounter with strep throat. Many people discover that it is even worse with bronchitis because of the extreme coughing.
4. Tuberculosis. As you are able to imagine, this is much much more serious than the three conditions listed before. If you believe this is what you have, you shouldn’t waste any time to get to a doctor to ensure that he can run the proper tests.
5. Smoking. And if you smoke a lot you are going to expect to have a lot of phlegm when you cough. This is really a common side impact of smoking – albeit probably not the most serious. If you want to curb this issue, all you have to do is put down the cigarettes and stop smoking.

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