Constantly coughing up phlegm

For about the past 8 months, I have done nothing but cough up phlegm. My doctor has no idea what causes it, my x-rays and scans have all been clear. I dont smoke, and I am 48 years old and a housewife.

The phlegm is white and very thick. Sometimes it gets stringy and I start to choke on it. If I'm not coughing, I'm clearing my throat, because phlem is always there, no matter how much I cough up. Theres not a moment that goes by in which I don't feel the phlem in my chest and throat. I clear my throat all the time, sometimes every few minutes

I always have tissues, or be near a sink or garbage can. When I start to cough, I grab tissue to put over my mouth to cough out phlegm, but sometimes 1 or 2 tissues is not enough, and need a cup (sometimes I can cough up 1/2 a cup) or cough for at least an hour. I can not fully rest, and if I do, the phlegm wakes me up, start coughing for at least 30 minutes before it stops. 

Sometimes when I eat or drink, I start to gag and choke. Coughing fits can last anywhere from a few seconds to the point where I get tears in my eyes, gag, choke, and then throw up. I usually feel nausiated when I cough. The coughs can start as small regular coughs then progresses to full chest cough. I try to sip water in between coughs or immediately afterwards.

If teh phlegm is too thick to cough up, I have to swallow it until I cough again (which makes it even harder to get up). I sometimes gag on the phlegm until I need to swallow it, which can cause me to gag even harder.

I can't do anything without violently coughing up phlegm (walking, chaning positions, doing laundry etc). I can't go out anywhere because I feel so miserable. I have a headache along with all this that won't go away, and my chest and throat always hurt. I can't go out in public or visit anyone (or have anyone visit my house) because I know its irratting to others listening to my cough up phlegm. 

I can only sleep in reclined positions because if I am flat on my back, I start to choke. I have tried OTC Sinus and Flu medicines with no avail, Mucinex did nothing for me either. My husband is at a loss for what do, and so am I.

I feel horrible and completely miserable. I am tired of being sick, tired and having my whole body hurt because of coughing. I am getting helpless and desperate.

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